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LMB Jellwery offers the best prices for your Kruger Rands, gold coins, and gold medallions.

The Krugerrand is the most circulated gold bullion coin in the world.

There are five sizes available in gold:

  • 1 Oz
  • 1/2 Oz
  • 1/4 Oz
  • 1/10th Oz
  • 1/20th Oz

All Kruger Rands is 22 carat Gold Legal Tender Coins based on the daily gold price.

Krugerrand Specifications below

Gold Krugerrands
Kruger Pond 1900
KrugerRand Specifications

Here are the current Krugerrand specifications from the South African Mint. Using these specifications allows anyone who trades Krugerrands a quick and easy method to verify that you do not have a counterfeit Krugerrand. Gold is a very dense metal, and difficult to fake. For example, the common stand-in for gold you hear always hear about is lead. It’s actually a very poor choice- if a counterfeit cast leads to gold-plated blanks matching the Krugerrand specifications for diameter and width.

Tip: Krugerrands are not pure gold- they are actually 22K. The reason why is they are alloyed with copper to make them more durable, a 24K gold coin could be bent with your fingers- the alloy adds some strength. So each Krugerrand is 11 parts gold to 1 part copper.

There is one full ounce of gold in a one-ounce Krugerrand, but it is heavier than that in the Krugerrand specifications due to the added copper content.) An informed buyer can measure diameter and width using calipers, or an extremely fine ruler. A good quality digital scale can give an you accurate reading of the weight. Measuring width, diameter, shape, and weight greatly reduces your chances of receiving a fake. If this sounds like too much work, there’s a quick and easy solution to do the testing for you- we use a Fisch Instruments tester, you can find one on our Krugerrand tester page.

  • 1 oz Krugerrand Specification
    • Gold Content: 1.0 oz, or 31.103 grams.
    • Weight: 33.930 g
    • Fineness: 22 carats
    • Diameter: 32.77 mm
    • Thickness: 2.84 mm
  • 1/2 oz Krugerrand Specification
    • Gold Content: 0.5 oz, or 15.552 grams.
    • Weight: 16.965 g
    • Fineness: 22 carats
    • Diameter: 27.07 mm
    • Thickness: 2.215 mm
  • 1/4 oz Krugerrand Specification
    • Gold Content: 0.25 oz, or 7.776 grams.
    • Weight: 8.482 g
    • Fineness: 22 carats
    • Diameter: 22.06 mm
    • Thickness: 1.888 mm
  • 1/10 oz Krugerrand Specification
    • Gold Content: 0.1 oz, or 3.110 grams.
    • Weight: 3.393 g
    • Fineness: 22 carats
    • Diameter: 16.55 mm
    • Thickness: 1.35 mm
  • 1/20 oz Krugerrand Specification
    • Content: .1/20 oz, or 3.110 grams.
    • Weight: 1.7 g
    • Fineness: 22 carats
    • Diameter: 12 mm


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